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  1. I consume a daily average of 300 grams of carbohydrates.
  2. This means that I consume about 1148 calories of carbohydrates every
  3. This means I consume about 41% carbohydrates from all my calories.
  4. My carbohydrate intake percentage is just under the recommended 45%-65% so
           I'm ok. 
Complex Carbohydrates-
100% Whole Weat Bread

Simple Carbohydrates- apples,

Concentrated simple carbohydrates-
pudding, lemonade

  1. My average daily intake of fats is around 150 grams.
  2. These 150 grams equals 1206 calories of fat.
  3. My total fat intake is at 46% which is pretty high according to the
    recommended 25%-35%.
      After analizing myself,  I think I
    could cut back on some of the sweet bread and chips to
      lower my fat
  4. My cholesterol intake is at 500mg which is not that bad for my age. I
    could cut back on my 
       bad cholesterol by eating
    more eggs. Atleast 2 a day. 
  1. My average daily intake of protein is 60 grams.
  2. I consume about 240 calories of protein.
  3. My protein percentage way below the scale only at 12% which falls
    very short of the recommended amount of protein
Vitamins and Minerals:
  1. The recommended amount of salt intake is 6 grams, but I consume an average

      of 1 grams of salt daily so I need to consume more salt. I will
    go about doing this by eating a lot of salt
This nutritional
journal is eye opening. I thought I was very healthy just because I ate a
lot of veggies and fruits. However, I didn't realize I had a
terrible balance in my diet. Now that I know my eating habits: I
will fix my diet so it's balanced.

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    Hello world, my name is Miguel and I'm a student at Palomar college. I'm
    currently enrolled in 3 classes, a total of 7 units. I'm taking math, excel, this class and the lab. I hoping I'll pass all my classes with good grades so I can transfer
    over to Cal State San Marcos and to go study business.


    August 2013
    July 2013

