
  1. I consume a daily average of 300 grams of carbohydrates.

  2. This means that I consume about 1148 calories of carbohydrates every day.

  3. This means I consume about 41% carbohydrates from all my calories.

  4. My carbohydrate intake percentage is just under the recommended 45%-65% so
           I'm ok. 

Complex Carbohydrates- 100% Whole Weat Bread

Simple Carbohydrates- apples,

Concentrated simple carbohydrates-
  butter, pudding, lemonade


  1. My average daily intake of fats is around 150 grams.

  2. These 150 grams equals 1206 calories of fat.

  3. My total fat intake is at 46% which is pretty high according to the recommended 25%-35%.
      After analizing myself,  I think I could cut back on some of the sweet bread and chips to
      lower my fat intake.

  4. My cholesterol intake is at 500mg which is not that bad for my age. I could cut back on my 
       bad cholesterol by eating more eggs. Atleast 2 a day. 

  1. My average daily intake of protein is 60 grams.

  2. I consume about 240 calories of protein.

  3. My protein percentage way below the scale only at 12% which falls very short of the recommended amount of protein 25%-35%.
Vitamins and Minerals:

  1. The recommended amount of salt intake is 6 grams, but I consume an average
      of 1 grams of salt daily so I need to consume more salt. I will go about doing this by eating a lot of salt everyday.

This nutritional journal is eye oppening. I tought I was very healthy just because I ate a lot of veggies and fruits. However, I didn't realize I had a terrible balance in my diet. Now that I know my eating habits: I will fix my diet so it's balanced.
Dianne Boldt
7/16/2013 01:33:29 am

Nice work. Looks like you use quite a few methods to reduce stress!


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    Hello world, my name is Miguel and I'm a student at Palomar college. I'm
    currently enrolled in 3 classes, a total of 7 units. I'm taking math, excel, this class and the lab. I hoping I'll pass all my classes with good grades so I can transfer
    over to Cal State San Marcos and to go study business.


    August 2013
    July 2013

