The movie "Bully" is a documentary about bullying. This
documentary follows several students that are victims of bullying at school.
Some of the victims in the film took it to the point where they ended their
lives because they couldn't take it. This film is moving because it shows how
bullying is a huge issue, specially in schools. This is a great film to show
students that bullying is not right and how they can turn this around by not
doing it or standing up for the victims of bully. You can go watch this film at
Netflix or YouTube. For more information check out the website 
This movie had a huge impact on me because it reminded me when I was bullied
at school and no one did anything to help me. I remember that I was physically
pushed around, teased, and laugh at simply because I was the smallest
one but I never did anything about because I was not life threatening. 

Another things that impacted me was that school is still the same as I
remember, nothing has really change regarding bullying. The principles, teachers
and other staff and the government still haven't done anything to stop it. This
is the reason why maybe bullying still continues today.     

After watching the documentary my only question was why is the staff acting
like bullying is not a big deal when it is? I couldn't believe that teacher when
she told the two boys to shake hands and told the kid that was being bullied
that they could even become best friends with the bully. I mean who says that.

This documentary made me feel angry to know that there are still kids out there that
are going through this and yet nothing is done to stop it.

2/23/2020 12:34:14 am

god job


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    Hello world, my name is Miguel and I'm a student at Palomar college. I'm
    currently enrolled in 3 classes, a total of 7 units. I'm taking math, excel, this class and the lab. I hoping I'll pass all my classes with good grades so I can transfer
    over to Cal State San Marcos and to go study business.


    August 2013
    July 2013

